Sunday 24 February 2013

Oscars Predictions

Predictions based on all films

Best Picture: Argo
 Director: Steven Spielberg
Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis
Best Actress: Jennifer Lawrence
Best Supporting Actor: Tommy Lee Jones
Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway
Best Writing - Original Screenplay: Django Unchained
Best Writing - Adapted Screenplay: Silver Linings Playbook
Best Animated Feature: Wreck-it Ralph
Best Foreign Language Film: Amour
Best Documentary - Feature: Searching for Sugar Man
Best Documentary - Short Subject: Innocente
Best Live Action Short Film: Curfew
Best Animated Short Film: Paperman
Best Original Score: Lincoln
Best Original Song: "Skyfall" - Adele
Best Sound Editing: Django Unchained
Best Sound Mixing: Les Miserables
Best Production Design: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Best Cinematography: Lincoln
Best Makeup and Hairstyling: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Best Costume Design: Anna Karenina
Best Film Editing: Zero Dark Thirty
Best Visual Effects: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Thursday 24 January 2013

Les Misérables: Should I see it?

Do you enjoy Musicals?

YES - You should see the film. Even if you don't like it, you'll be glad you saw it because it lets you debate the film with other people.

NO - You should see the film because you probably don't yet know the story (unless you enjoy reading MASSIVE books translated from French), and of all the musicals I've seen, Les Misérables probably has the best plot.

Do you enjoy protesting against things without even know what you're protesting about?

YES - You should see the film because this is exactly what happens in the second half of the film.

NO - You should see the film so you can mock the ill-advised idealism of the youth portrayed in the film.

Do you enjoy films with Hugh Jackman?

YES - You've probably already seen it.

NO - You should see the film because he isn't anywhere near as flamboyant as he normally is, and he isn't just relying on his voice. He doesn't even dance.

Do you think the film will be let down by Russell Crowe's lack of an amazing singing voice?

YES - You will be proven wrong. His voice isn't too distracting, and he does fit the mold of Javert.

NO - You should see the film

Do you enjoy watching a film which consists largely of close ups on the faces of people singing?

YES - You should see the film. Although, I don't know of any other movie with such intense close up shots.

NO - You should see the film because they somehow manage to get away with it.

Do you think Borat and Bellatrix Lestrange would make an interesting couple?

YES - You should see the film. They do a great job providing some comic relief to a dark tale

NO - You shouldn't see the film because you clearly wouldn't enjoy anything

Do you want to see someones life fall apart and spiral out of control in twelve minutes?

YES - You should see the film...although I'd be a bit concerned

NO - You should see it. But bring tissues.

Les Misérables: 8/10

Tuesday 22 January 2013

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit is the only one of J.R.R Tolkien's books that I have read more than once. In fact I've read the book at least four times. Unlike the Lord of the Rings books, I found The Hobbit shorter, simpler, and much easier to enjoy. I liked how you could see events in the book shaping what was to take place in The Lord of The Rings. I liked the lighter tone of the book and the changes that took place to Bilbo Baggins as the journey went on, changes incredibly similar, but still remarkably different, to those that Frodo Baggins experiences.

It doesn't take long to realise how Peter Jackson has managed to turn The Hobbit into a trilogy. Jackson is drawing in material from The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings that make mention of happening that take place at the time of Bilbo's journey. Jackson has made some changes to the books plot, while still staying true to the books tone and particular moments from the book. No better moment stands out of this than the first encounter Bilbo has with the Dwarves at The Burrow. The Dwarves clean up after themselves in a way too thoroughly absurd to imagine taking place in The Lord of the Rings. As the Dwarves kicked around the dishes, coupled with blind behind the back passes, I was worried that An Unexpected Journey would be a massive disappointment. That maybe Jackson should have turned the films over to someone else.

I'd ask that everyone who can handle 3D films should ensure they experience the movie in all its 3D High Frame Rate (HFR) glory. I was shocked by the clarity HFR allowed, and was amazed by how the HFR boosted the CGI. Some have said that they have found the HFR distracting, taking away the polished Hollywood look and making the backgrounds look more like the CGI they are. I didn't for a second think this was the case. You have to give yourself a moment to adjust to the effects, but they certainly pay off. it's no surprise that James Cameron will be shooting his sequels to Avatar using the same HFR cameras that Jackson has embraced.

Martin Freedman does a great job in capturing the character of Bilbo Baggins. Freedman portrays every bit of the quiet, unsuspecting Hobbit that I remember from by reading of the book. It was great to see actors from The Lord of the Rings, such as Ian McKellan, reprise their roles. Andy Serkis is as good as ever in again portraying Gollum. The riddles game between Bilbo and Gollum is true to the book and perhaps the best scene in the film. Tolkien's dwarves provided a mix of frivolity and seriousness, and Jackson's are no different. The majority provide comic relief, while Richard Armitage's Thorin is as serious and intense as I remember.

My doubts about whether the film would do the book justice grew immensely as the plot of the film seemingly expanded to include the material from The Silmarillion and The Lord of the Rings. But Jackson does a tremendous job in fitting this in while still maintaining the original tone of the book. It took until the scene with Gollum for my doubts to be put at rest, but by then I'd also realised that I had seen one of my favourite childhood books portrayed on the big screen. Jackson does more than do the book justice, he works to help explain how Middle Earth became what it was at the start of The Fellowship of the Ring. Jackson's ambition could still be his downfall, but if the next films are as good as this, Tolkien fans will not be left disappointed.


Monday 21 January 2013

Pitch Perfect

I wasn't exactly going to see Pitch Perfect with anything resembling excitement. My mood would best be described as curious. At the time I thought Pitch Perfect was another wedding movie like Bridesmaids, due to the only actor I'd heard was in it was Rebel Wilson, someone I didn't exactly find hilarious. Turns out I had mixed up Pitch Perfect with Bachelorette. The movie ended up being a pleasant surprise.

It was a fluke that the first post-boxing day movie I was going to see was Pitch Perfect. I was more interested in seeing The Hobbit, or the yet-to-be-released Django Unchained. I wasn't disappointed to discover that Pitch Perfect is actually another College movie set around an a capella group. I had, once upon a time, enjoyed the TV show Glee, and found Pitch Perfect to be a funnier, more mature version of Glee, set at a typical American College.

The movie basically follows a few characters who all join the College's various a capella groups, with a  strong focus on Becca (played by Anna Kendrick), who is more focused on getting out of College and becoming a record producer and DJ in Los Angeles. Skylar Astin plays Jesse, Becca's inevitable love interest who joins a rival a capella group. Becca begrudgingly joins the Bellas', and is joined by a group of other misfits, including Rebel Wilson, who challenge the groups image much to the frustration of the Bellas' leaders.

Pitch Perfect is full of musical numbers, but doesn't allow itself to be as dominated by the music as Glee was. The characters in the film all appear slightly stereotypical, but are real and genuine enough to stop the movie from becoming just another College film. In saying that, Rebel Wilson is hilarious playing probably the least realistic of all the characters. Her lines are perfectly timed and it is inevitable that Rebel Wilson will start appearing in more and more comedies as she more than backs up her performance from Bridesmaids.

Pitch Perfect was a pleasant surprise, and though it isn't in the same class as 21 Jump Street or SuperBad, was a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining film.


Tuesday 15 January 2013

2012 Movies: Top 5

2012 produced a wide variety of films that I'll continue to watch again and again into the future. Five movies managed to stand out above all others.

1. The Dark Knight Rises
This film perfectly brought to an end the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy. It worked on every level, creating a movie that was both thrilling and thought provoking.

2. James Bond: Skyfall
Skyfall brought James Bond back to its best. It was perhaps the first James Bond film to truly question the role and purpose of Bond while also continuing to give Bond fans everything they want; strong villains, thrilling locations, and just the right amount of laughs.

3. My Week with Marilyn
My Week with Marilyn was a pleasant surprise that ended up being a beautiful film. The film was dominated by the performances of Eddie Redmayne and Michelle Williams who created engaging characters and a thoughtful film. A strong supporting cast didn't hurt either.

4. The Descendants
The Descendants was perhaps the most beautifully shot film of 2012. George Clooney dominates in a movie that worked to both show off just how beautiful Hawaii is, and provided a great drama that moved at a slow, thoughtful pace.

5. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I didn't know what to expect when I went to see The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Ultimately it proved to be dark thriller set throughout a bleak Winter landscape. Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig provide great performances and have left me constantly checking online to see when the next instalment will be released.

Also worth a mention is the high calibre of the movies released in 2012 adopted from Comic books. The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, and The Amazing Spiderman all proved to be high quality films, with Spiderman proving a real surprise and providing a perfect excuse to keep the Spiderman film franchise alive. The Avengers is also the only movie of 2012 that I went back and watched again.


Skyfall is perhaps the most introspective of all James Bond films. It raises questions over the role of spies in a post-Cold War world. Unlike Casino Royale and Quantam of Solace, much of Skyfall takes place within Britain. The film reintroduces characters such as Q and at times feels like as much of a story about M as it is about Bond himself.

Skyfall opens with the frantic pace Bond films are renowned for. The opening chase scene through and across the markets of Istanbul is as thrilling as ever. The movie shifts from London to Macau before coming back to Britain. The movie maintains a consistent tone, with a gray colour palate dominating throughout the length of the film. It feels appropriate as the movies themes focus on the ageing Bond and his growing vulnerabilities. Skyfall feels as serious as Quantam of Solace but flows at a much slower pace.

The main villain in the film, played by Javier Bardem, isn't even introduced until the halfway mark of the film. Bardem plays an intense villain, dominating the screen as he interrogates Bond on a deserted island off the coast of Macau. A villain of Bardem's stature was lacking in the last two Bond films, and Bardem more than compensates for the long absence.

The domestic focus of the film works to introduce Mallory, played by Ralph Fiennes, who acts as Chair of the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee. Ralph Fiennes provides intrigue and tension as he both challenges the role of MI6 and works to support its work.

Skyfall brings an appropriate amount of introspection to the Bond films, allowing time to reflect on Bond's past and future, while continuing to provide a provoking and thrilling experience.


Wednesday 12 December 2012

Boston v Dallas

Jeff Green isn't a player I've seen before. He seems like a fairly athletic small forward, able to get in the lane and challenge the big guys for the offencive boards. His bucket after rebounding his own shot gives Boston some breathing space as the first quarter starts to wind down. Rondo and Garnett are both off the floor; leaving Pierce, Terry and Green with the duties of carrying the scoring. Boston really need that scoring, as they can't stop anything without Garnett under the basket.

Boston take a two point lead into the first quarter break, but you're left thinking that Boston should really have a much larger lead at this point of the game. When Dallas are starting with Derek Fisher, O.J Mayo, Dahntay Jones, Shawn Marion, and Chris Kaman, a team of Boston's nature shouldn't really have any trouble controlling the game. At least you can admire Boston's commitment to white headbands.

Garnett starts the second quarter, after having left the game five minutes into the first quarter. I struggle to think of anyone who follows this pattern in any other sport. Each and every game, Garnett heads to the bench at the seven minute mark, and straight away, Boston starts leaking points from all over the court. Vince Carter, a player who used to torment the Celtics while with the Nets and Raptors, fires off a deep three and ends up airballing it out of bounds. Watching NBA players on the decline is never easy. But as much as Rondo is the focus of the Celtics offence, he will never be the focus of the Boston team as long as Garnett is still pulling on the Celtics singlet, no matter how old he is. Boston take n eight point lead into the first timeout of the second quarter.

Dirk Nowitski apparently got married in the Summer. Whats more obvious is how much Dallas are missing his contributions on the court. He hopes to be back by Christmas, and a return by Christmas would be a great Christmas present for the Dallas Mavericks. Garnett isn't making the shots he was making in the first quarter. Carter misses another three. They say Vince Carter has reinvented himself in order to still make a valuable contribution to his team. I didn't know hogging possession and going for wild shots was so valuable. What was valuable was Chris Kaman's beard. I'm absolutely devastated to find that the beard is no longer. Well, there is some facial hair, but it would be disrespectful to describe it as a beard as it doesn't at all resemble the wispy treat that was the Beard of Kaman. Carter steps across from Pierce and drains a three. Garnett shoots an airball. Boston lead by five at the next timeout.

It's hard to believe that Jared Sullinger is a rookie, when he's surrounded by a team as senior as the Celtics you instantly look at least three years older than you really are. With six to go in the second quarter, Pierce drains a three to take Boston's lead to eight...until Boston give away another second chance bucket to Shawn Marion, with a foul, to give them a five point lead. Dahntey Jones seems to be giving away a lot of fouls. Fouling seems to be a good way to show that you belong in the NBA. Even if you don't have a whole lot of talent, it makes you look active and like you're trying on defence. Boston look really rusty on the fast break, I guess that's what happens when you haven't run a fast break since 2007. Pierce looks to be challenging himself to make the most difficult shots possible as he makes a ducking two to take his points tally to 13.

Rondo passes to Pierce who struggles to hold onto the ball. Rondo was standing with two metres between himself and the defender, while Pierce was closely guarded. Rondo could have taken on the man opening up space for Pierce, but Rondo just tosses him the ball. Rondo is probably wondering right now why people think he isn't living up to his potential. Boston up by eight.

Rondo starts trying. On a fast break he looks to his left, shifting the defender to the left, leading to a pass to his right to an open Courtney Lee. Lee misses. Rondo on another break looks to the left, shifting the defender to the left, puts a pass straight into Brandon Bass who is fouled. Dallas' new number four, Darren Collison gets a quick four points pulling the lead back to four. Pierce puts up a pump fake, Collison falls into him, whistle blows, shot up, shot goes in. Classic Paul Pierce. Pierce makes the throw and Boston takes the lead to seven with Pierce responsible for 16 points. Mayo finally scores. Boston take a timeout with eight seconds to go. Even though the timeout is twenty seconds, because the game is on national TV, the timeout is at least thirty seconds. Rondo passes to Pierce, Pierce covered. Pierce to Rondo. Rondo trys getting space, and only does once the clock runs out. Doesn't get a shot off. Classic Rajon Rondo. Boston lead by five at the half.

First points of the second half come after Rondo collects a defensive and offensive rebound. O.J Mayo scores a three with a hand in his face, the kind of play that makes Dallas less worried about the lack of Jason (Jet) Terry...then Terry scores a three of his own. Rondo seems to be passing just a bit too early on fast break opportunities. Instead of an easy dunk, Pierce finds himself walking to the foul line. Boston look in control, leading by seven, but there is only a minute left before Garnett goes off. Garnett happily adds another two points to Boston's score. A block on an O.J Mayo three point attempt by Pierce followed by a second chance bucket by Brandon Bass gives Boston an 11 point lead, their biggest of the night. Barbosa is yet to get on the court tonight, but could well help spread out the Dallas defence allowing players like Courtney Lee and Jason Terry an opportunity to have a more consistent impact on the game. I still think Boston are potentially looking to trade for a solid body who can carry the defensive load while Garnett is off the court. It's just hard to work out exactly who Boston would trade.
Bass seems to be having a solid game, but sometimes leaves you wishing for more physicality on defence. Vince Carter is about to come on, the Boston defence starts to get ready to give him just enough space to let off crazy threes. Brandon Bass attacks the basket and finds himself sent to the line again as Kaman completes the foul. Marion seems to be stuffing the stat charts, while having little impact on the actual game. Boston give Carter a bit of space, but instead of shooting he attacks the basket and passes it to an open Darren Collison who nails the three. Orlando fans everywhere are left wondering why he couldn't do that for them. Boston leading by nine.

Marion intercepts a Sullinger inbound pass, seemingly misses a sitter, rebounds the shot and scores. Marion seems to be seeking entry into the NBA's class of elite stat stuffers. Boston up by nine with 2:53 to go in the third.

I guess Paul Pierce also belongs in the stat stuffing elite. Not only can he get assists by drawing the extra defender, he can also get the offensive boards and score under the basket. Darren Collison gets hot and all of a sudden Boston's lead is four points. But Garnett is coming back into the game. Rondo nails an open jump shot. Every time you see him land one of those another question is raised about Rondo's effort. Why can't he take that shot more often?

Wow. With four points to go Rondo has the ball inbounded to him be Garnett. He dummies picking it up allowing it to roll without the clock starting. He only picks it up when Derek Fisher is almost on top of the ball before getting inside the paint, stepping back and nailing the jumper. Boston up be six points heading into the fourth quarter.

Rondo gets the first points of the fourth. Fake pass before driving for a backdoor layup. I don't know what Boston's prettiest play is. It's either Garnett's turnaround high post jumper or Rondo's fake pass and drive to the basket. Intense defence by Garnett leads to a steal which leads to an alley-oop from Rondo to Green for a screamer of a dunk. But Boston keep on leaking points...

Boston are leading by three with nine remaining. Jeff Green decides to show off his athleticism and scores a great driving layup, but Boston again let through another two points. A missed Boston three gives Dallas the chance to get the equaliser, but a Terry steal brings the ball back into the Mavericks half. Someone is going to need to step up for Boston and steer them through the final eight minutes. Pierce has been quiet in these first few minutes, and it looks like he's getting ready to lead his team to the win. Garnett may well be the teams leader for the first three quarters, but the fourth quarter is all Pierce's.

All of a sudden it's a one point game. A lazy steal against Rondo gives the Mavericks an easy bucket. Pierce steps up to restore order...and misses. A nervous Doc Rivers pulls Garnett out for a quick break. Jason Terry steps up and provides a smooth pass for Jeff Green. Boston up by three. As Rondo gets another steal and breaks up the court Derek Fisher grabs hold of a screaming Jeff Green and holds on stopping Jeff Green from getting an easy bucket, sending him to the foul line. It's hard to believe that Derek Fisher started this game ahead of Darren Collison.

Green nails the free throws giving Boston a five point lead. Fisher misses a two point shot. A shot he tried making as difficult as possible for himself. He makes up for it with a steal and a great drive for a layup. Boston up be three with 4:20 remaining. Carter and Fisher are both talking to a referee both looking shocked that they are still able to be playing in the NBA. It's always fun seeing the promotions for the second ESPN game knowing I won't be able to see the second game because I live in Australia. We only get two games a week, seemingly with a quota of showing three western conference teams each week.

Garnett is back on. Rondo finally misses a jump shot. 3:21 remaining and Boston are up by two as Marion scores one of his two free throws. Dallas are tied. A Darren Collison rebound leads to a Darren Collison layup. Rivers takes a timeout. Pierce seems to have disappeared as every play seems to be ending up in the hands of Kevin Garnett. I think I'm starting to understand how Dallas have been doing so well without Nowitski. It all comes down to making that extra pass and ensuring high energy players keep on coming off the bench.

Rondo nails a jump shot giving Boston a two point lead with two minutes to go. The crowd are on their feet...and then Fisher nails a three giving Dallas their first lead of the night. Pierce nails a turnaround jumper. Boston up by one, crowd gets back on their feet. 1:09 to go. Dallas' possession. A soft Garnett foul gives Dallas a chance to reset. Mayo drives, gets a hand to his face from Rondo and all of a sudden Mayo is taking two free-throws. First one is in. Second one is OUT. Tied game with 50 seconds remaining...

Pierce misses the jumper. Dallas take a timeout with 24.6 seconds left on the clock (18 seconds on the shot clock). Pierce is going to have a shot to win. You can feel it. 96-96. I think it's going to be either Collison or Mayo who take the shot for Dallas. Fisher turns down an open three, passes it off. BOSTON WITH THE STEAL. Boston lack any awareness so take a timeout straight away without getting the ball past halfway. Boston will start down at the baseline. 6.9 seconds to go.

Rondo gets covered by Fisher, steps back out of light contact (no foul), mis-dribbles, and puts up a limp shot. We're going to overtime.

First play of OT is a Vince Carter turnover. Jason Terry then gets the ball near the key, draws the foul, nails the short jumper. Free throw is good. Boston by three.

Offensive foul against O.J Mayo. Rondo does a great job getting his feet planted. Terry misses a three point attempt in the corner...but neither can Dallas.

Pierce misses another turnaround jumper, Collison drives for a quick two points. Boston by one.

Rondo goes around the back and puts up a lazy layup. Blocked. Bass fouls Collison at the other end.

Collison misses his first, despite his 89% free throw shooting for the season. Nails the second. Game tied at 99-99.

Green holds onto it, gets double teamed. Steal. Fisher throws up a blank at the other end. Pierce gets the ball near the key. Fakes inside, spins off Fisher by the baseline and gets the basket. Celtics up by 2.

2:05 to go. Boston just get a strip in on a bounding Mayo. Still Dallas' ball. Shawn Marion with the dunk ties the game.

Green misses a layup after a great pass from Terry. Collison turns it over, Terry misses the easy layup, Fisher gets called for a loose ball foul and is out of the game. Clearly wasn't a foul, but I'm not caring and neither is anyone in TD Garden. Timeout.

Pierce nails the pull up jumper after the timeout. Marion lands a floater and game is again tied.

Rondo runs around the back, passes it out to Garnett at the top of the key. Shot is good. Rondo's fourteenth assist and Boston are up be two with 26.9 left on the clock.

Reach In foul called on Rondo. 19.4 seconds to go. Mayo drives and gets the shot. Tied game with 11 seconds remaining. Exactly like the end of the regulation. The extra few seconds should make this a bit less chaotic.

Surely they'll give it to Pierce now. Camera seems to be more focused on Dallas and Mayo. His shot was pretty clutch...

Ball goes to Rondo, Pierce in isolation guarded by Jones, shot goes up, no good. Yet again it's limp and doesn't come close to the basket. Dallas very lucky not to have a foul called against them. 

Pierce gets the second overtime started with a three. Mayo gets two points back with a nice finger-roll layup.

Pierce fouls but it doesn't matter as Mayo misses the shot.

Rondo misses a wild three, but credit has to go to Dallas for their defence.

Mayo misses his easiest shot of the night. Boston up by one with 2:30 to go.

Pierce again misses a relatively open shot...but so does Dallas.

Now Garnett misses. Then Mayo misses. Pierce turns it over trying to draw the foul. Sigh. The quality of this game really hasn't been done justice by the quality of play in this overtime. Too many players are settling for questionable shots rather than making the extra pass.

1:18 to go. Dallas still down by one. Rondo steals the ball of Mayo. Rondo goes for a lazy lay up and gets the shot blocked. Bloody hell. And it was blocked by Vince Carter of all people. But then Dallas screw up a pass and Boston get the ball back. Atmosphere at the Garden looks quite subdued.


Yet here we are in double overtime...

Pierce gets the ball in isolation and draws the foul, Dallas not yet in the penalty so no shots. Coach yells that it wasn't a foul...but to no avail as Rondo drives through for a layup. Boston up by three.

Then Mayo doesn't make the shot and Pierce is fouled. Looks like the game is coming to an end.

Pierce makes the first free throw, misses the second. Dallas timeout. 17 seconds remaining and Dallas are down by four.

Rondo and Mayo have both played career high minutes with 53 and 52 minutes respectively.

Carter lands a crazy three off the inbound. This game isn't over yet!!! I'm pretty sure Rick Carlisle didn't draw up that play!

Pierce gets the ball off the inbound and is immediately fouled. Pierce makes the first. Pierce's second shot is good. Rick Carlisle takes another timeout. Boston up by three, have another foul to give, with 8.3 seconds remaining.

Pierce quickly fouls...Carlisle is telling them to 'run it again'. Terry fouls. Collison will take two free throws. First one is good. Collison gets the second one. Pierce fouled and Boston head up to the other end for free throws. First free throw is good. Second is good. Three point lead restored.

Dallas turn it over. Their 29th turnover for the game. Surely this game is done. Dallas now hoping for Courtney Lee to miss both his free throws. First throw is good. Second is good. Mayo lands a three as time expires and Boston win.

Boston have dominated everything in this game and still needed two overtimes to win. How many other teams in the NBA can do that and need overtime to seperate themselves from their opposition on the scoreboard? Must be a Boston thing.