Friday 4 May 2012

NBA Playoffs: Heat v Knicks

He punched a fire extinguisher and will miss at least one game. He punched a fire extinguisher. It always seems that these sort of things only ever happen in the NBA. Whether it be Ron Artest objecting to ice being thrown in his face, Delonte West giving Gordon Hayward a "Wet Willie" or Gilbert Arenas walking around the locker room with guns, the NBA is the home of crazy. But to think that Amare Stoudemire would find himself in this same group when he was playing with the Suns is just unthinkable. New York must have a weird effect on you. And the New York Knicks season seems to be proving this.

The Knicks now find themselves down by three in their series with the Heat, and Carmelo is probably already trying to call dibs on his roommate for the Olympics. The Knicks have been the most remarkable team to watch this season. The signing of Tyson Chandler. Questions over combining Amare and Melo. Is it worth giving this Harvard guy some game time? Do we get rid of the Coach or break up Amare and Melo? Who would have thought a Harvard guy could actually be good! Wait he's injured. Can someone please explain why we are playing better now then any other point in the season with Amare and Lin out? The story lines around this Knicks team have been unrivalled. The Knicks at the end of the regular season were one of the top teams in the competition. They were able to close out tight contests and could rely on Anthony to bring home the bacon. The Knicks are done in the playoffs, but should think outside of the box for game 4.

Instead of rushing back Jeremy Lin, how about playing Stoudemire off the bench and letting Novak start. Novak may have struggled so far in this series, but was on absolute fire when he wasn't contending for floor time with Stoudemire. If the Knicks can re-sign Novak in this off season, I wouldn't be surprised to see Stoudemire traded for a more physical front court player who can play both centre and the power forward position. Ryan Anderson is the sort of solid player who would compliment Tyson Chandler and could play the centre position and still keep pulling in the rebounds, especially on offence. Stoudemire would actually work well in Orlando, providing extra pace around the net that would open up space for Howard. Note that this assumes that Howard stays in Orlando. Actually, even if he left, Stoudemire would work well with an ageing Turkoglu and the other spare parts that compose the Magic.

On the other side of the series, the Heat have been satisfactory. They are meeting expectations and Lebron is playing to an expected standard. Wade is playing up to expectations and Bosh is playing at a satisfactory level. Nothing about them is interesting, they're just playing as well as a team with the leagues best small forward and one of the leagues best shooting guards should be playing. The Heat will finish the series in four games.

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